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Eco-Friendly with Organic Cotton

Eco-Friendly with Organic Cotton

Amesankoh is committed to environmental issues. We focus on the production of cotton products and the problems that arise in the process, and we deal with organic cotton, which is sustainable cotton.

Crisis of water, a precious resource that nurtures life.

The earth is said to be a planet of water, but most of its water is the sea.
“Freshwater” makes up only 2.5% of all water.

Furthermore, most of it is trapped as ice and groundwater in the Antarctic and Arctic, and there is actually very little water in the rivers and lakes that flow on the surface.

However, this scarce freshwater resource supports the livelihoods of about 7 billion people and the lives of many wildlife species.

And now, this precious water environment is in serious danger all over the world.

The cause is the drastic reduction and depletion of water resources themselves caused by the rapid increase in water used in agriculture and industry.

Furthermore, it is environmental destruction of "watersheds" such as rivers, lakes, marshes, and forests, which are sources of healthy water supply.

The apparel and textile industry is considered to be one of the major causes of these problems surrounding the world's water environment. Especially in the cotton industry.

Issues with cotton, which has a major impact on the water environment.

Cotton may have an image of being environmentally friendly because its raw materials are plant-derived products.

However, the production process of cotton, which is the raw material for cotton, causes an extremely large environmental burden.

The biggest problem is the large amount of water resources consumed in the cultivation of cotton, which is the raw material for cotton products.

Moreover, cotton is actively cultivated in valuable countries and regions where water resources are scarce, such as India and Central Asia. Wildlife and human livelihoods will be greatly affected.

Of all the agricultural products produced by humans, cotton is the one with the highest ratio of production in areas with high water risk.

In addition, many of the areas where cotton is grown have problems such as the use of large amounts of pesticides, child labor, and bonded labor.

Regarding pesticides, according to WWF's own calculations, cotton, which accounts for only about 2.5% of the world's cultivated area, releases 16% of the world's pesticides. This is more than any other single crop and more than 6% of global pesticide use.

What is “sustainable cotton”, the leading role in next-generation cotton products?

There is now a worldwide movement to actively use cotton products that are produced in a sustainable manner, avoiding such negative impacts on the natural environment and local communities.

These cotton products, called "sustainable cotton," require more than just careful attention to the amount of water and pesticides used in the cotton cultivation process, as well as the conservation of the surrounding environment.

The same considerations are required in the subsequent processing processes, and thorough inspections and controls are carried out during the distribution process to ensure that the wastewater generated during dyeing is not mixed with unsustainable cotton products.

In addition, a third party will "audit" and "certify" the management system for products derived from "sustainable cotton" and attach a unique label, so that consumers who choose products can understand at a glance. I have.

With this certification system, it is possible to trace all the details of where in the world and in what form the cotton products are produced.

If consumers consciously choose and purchase such products, they will not be unwittingly contributing to social problems such as the destruction of rich freshwater ecosystems and child labor.

This kind of "choice" by consumers will not only support excellent farmers and companies that are committed to sustainable cotton cultivation and product production, but also support producers and companies that have not yet committed to sustainable cotton cultivation and product production. Encourages change to possible production.

WWF's "Sustainable Cotton" Efforts

In Europe and elsewhere, consumers are now voluntarily paying attention to the production of cotton products and the problems that arise in the process, and are increasingly choosing and consuming "sustainable cotton."

WWF is also promoting the spread of this "sustainable cotton" as part of its efforts to improve social issues such as excessive use of water and pesticides at the cultivation stage.

In particular, at this time, we recommend cotton that has acquired the following third-party certifications or participated in initiatives as sufficiently reliable "sustainable cotton."

1 Organic cotton: GOTS, OCS
2 BCI (and BCI-based cotton): CMIA, myBMP, Abrapa (details below)

organic cotton

Organic cotton is one of the sustainable cottons that mainly meet the following conditions.

▼In the process of cotton cultivation,
・Production for 2 to 3 years or more on farmland certified by a certification body
・Comply with standards for production methods such as organic agricultural products
・Comply with strict standards for pesticides and fertilizers used in cultivation

▼In manufacturing processes such as spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, and sewing,
・Ensuring traceability and content of organic ingredients throughout the manufacturing process
・Minimize the health and environmental impact of the use of chemicals
・Manufacturing in compliance with social norms such as labor safety and child labor

Organic cotton requires 91% less fresh water than conventional cotton. The amount of water in the rivers and lakes that are taking in water will be maintained by that amount, and the environment will be conserved.

Amesankoh products

Most of our products are made from organic cotton.
We are working on sustainable use while facing environmental issues.

Eco product certification

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